Friday 15 November 2013


Oblivion (2013)
Cert. 12

Hmmm, well... Hard not to like this film, I just wish that the 'twist' in the story wasn't the same as another good sci-fi film from a few years ago with a lower budget. I like that film a lot better than Oblivion, because it had the original idea. This one just copied it with a bigger budget, better effects and bigger (not better) actors. But that aside (and it's a big thing to try and put aside) this film ticks a lot of boxes to make it a good sci-fi blockbuster. Tom Cruise is good in it, as are all the other actors. It is a terrific-looking film and I really wish I could've seen it at the cinema just for the look of it on the big screen. I imagine many have Oblivion scenescapes as backgrounds on their PCs and laptops! The film doesn't hurry itself, it is paced just right - well, perhaps a little bit on the slow side to begin with. One thing I would say that could've been a bit clearer and was ever so slightly confusing - what was flashback and what wasn't. Didn't help that I was a little tired I suppose, but I got a little confused at one point, like I'd skipped a couple of scenes. All in all very good, but I can't forgive it for copying 'Moon' which to me is one of very few modern sci-fi classics.

Language: No naughties
Sex/Nudity: Just a little bit, mostly hinted at
Violence/Gore: No, not really - only robots fighting - incidentally the robots reminded me of larger version of the spherical flying droids from the old Gerry Anderson show 'Terrahawks', which I must try and see again some day.
Atmosphere: A bit troubling at times, the wool's been pulled over our hero's eyes and that might feel a bit disconcerting to some viewers. I suppose if you haven't seen 'Moon' then the big reveal might be a bit unsettling, but it's not frightening (well, wasn't to me)...


Thursday 14 November 2013

World War Z

World War Z (2013)
Cert. 15

I was mostly looking forward to seeing this film, but afterwards I was left feeling like I'd somehow not seen the film I was hoping to see. And I can't quite put my finger on what was missing. It is odd to watch a zombie film and not see gore, but that wasn't it... And Brad Pitt being the superstar he is seemed like he was never in any real danger... but that wasn't quite it either. It was well acted, and the effects were great. It was fast-paced and fairly exciting.. I just don't know. But I went into this ready to give it a 4½ or 5 out of 5, but it's just a 3½ for me (Lovefilm ratings there!). I didn't like the ending. It felt too rushed, almost like someone had said - that's it, spent all the money on effects, gotta wrap this up quick! Oh well, perhaps I'll read the book, it's mean't to be much better.

Language: Not very much from what I recall
Sex/Nudity: None
Violence/Gore: A fair bit of violence but extremely little blood, never mind gore
Atmosphere: I never quite felt it, the excitement of the adventure had the effect of doing away with any sense of horror for me



Virus (1999)
Cert. 18

Spoilers ahead. This is one of those underrated horror/sci fi films that slips under the radar. A fairly decent cast led by Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Sutherland and William Baldwin, I remember seeing this on pay-per-view back in '99 and I remember it being quite scary, in a freaky sort of way. The second time I watched it was a few years later and I was half-asleep, and to my sleepy-sleepy brain it seemed very freaky-weird. Having just seen it again after probably almost a decade, it was only slightly freaky. But fairly scary. It achieves this mainly due to the atmosphere of dread - a small group of people, trapped on a boat in the middle of a fierce storm with some sort of alien intelligence which is never properly explained (just the way we like it) other than it being hell-bent on destroying them... Worse than that though - it wants to use their bodies to splice with cybernetic components to create grisly and graphic monsters of half-flesh and half robot. One of them seemed like a direct Borg rip off from Star Trek, mind, but we'll forgive them that (this time!) Donald Sutherland is a rather menacing, foreboding and grim character who seems like he's got nothing left to lose and it's no surprise when he actually voluntarily lets the alien menace take him and do whatever... All in all this is a good little film, not too long, not too short - pretty good action all the way through, keeps on moving, and I'd recommend it.

Language: Some bad words, but totally understandable considering what's happening
Sex: No
Violence/Gore: Yeah, quite a lot, quite graphic at times, brains 'n guts 'n stuff
Atmosphere: Dark, hopeless, scary


Saturday 9 November 2013

The Watch

The Watch (2012)
Cert. 15

This is a comedy film with a bit of sci-fi in it about some guys starting up a neighbourhood watch team and getting a bit more than they bargained for... But for me it was ruined by being too crude and vulgar in it's humour. Maybe I'm getting old, but there's no need - I wanted to like this a lot more, it ticked many boxes for me and I'd been looking forward to it, but the level of toilet humour related to genitalia, sex and bodily fluids seemed to be ever flowing, excuse the pun, making it seem like it was scripted by a couple of giggly, porno-obsessed teenage lads or something. If you like that sort of thing, this will be a great film for you. I just think it's a shame they had to keep going there... Characters weren't that likable and were for the most part just plain annoying, especially the British fellow (Richard Ayoade) who was downright embarrassing!



Limitless (2015)
Cert. 15

Firstly - a little personal bugbear of mine... "What if you could use 100% of your brain, instead of just 20%..?" say they in this slightly sci-fi action film... Where did this myth originate? We already use 100% of our brains, all of us! If we only used 20% we'd all be in comas! It's how well we use our brains that is the question - the potential... So that aside, this was a fairly enjoyable film, if one just sits back and enjoys the ride, and as others have pointed out, ignores the fact that the hero also appears to be a selfish git. Instead of once unlocking his potential he sets about using his skills for the betterment of Mankind, he basically just wants to have a lot of sex, make an obscene amount of money, and of course, perfect and make more of the wonder drug. And as someone else said in a review I read on Lovefilm - it's a bit sickening if you stop and think about it. But maybe that's the point we're supposed to get from this, I dunno what the writers & directors aim was with this film. I doubt it was to make us stop and think about human excess and selfishness, but maybe it was... The film is well acted and the special effects are well done, if a little dizzying at times.


Scary Movie 5

Scary Movie 5 (2013)
Certificate: 15

Oh good grief... (Penfold!) Well, I seem to remember hearing or reading somewhere that this film was going to revive the Scary Movie series... I was therefore looking forward to it. But sadly this is not a good spoof film, a genre which people seem to have forgotten how to make properly. Gone are the heady days of Airplane, Naked Gun, Top Secret and the first Scary Movie. This is just bloody awful and I feel I need some sort of medal for making it all the way through to the end.. I chuckled at maybe 2 or 3 bits (a small chuckle mind you) and smiled distantly at 1 or 2 others, but most of the film left me wondering who on Earth the target audience was mean't to be. Clearly not fans of the original to which there was really no connection at all - completely different cast, completely different feel. Some parts where they were obviously going for big laughs were just pathetic attempts at being silly for the sheer sake of it, trying far too hard. Will stick with the original trilogy of Scary Movies, even the dodgy 2nd one is tonnes better than this!

1.5/10 (and I'm being generous!)

Tower Block

Tower Block (2012)
Certificate: 15

A good little British-made thriller about the last remaining residents in a block of flats due to be demolished soon (presumably in London..? But not really sure of setting) who become the victims of a sniper. It doesn't take very long to get into it and is fairly uncompromising at times and keeps you guessing. Though it doesn't take the brains of Britain to figure out what was going on, who's behind it all. Characters were mostly believable - there were a couple of small plot holes, don't want to give anything away. The one thing I will say... this is one of what surely must be a very select few DVDs that would've benefited from coming with blueprints. Dark Star is another one, but we'll get into that some other time. Blueprints of the block of flats because I have never before seen a British block of flats that are built in that way... ie, all the flats facing out in one direction and just a whacking great 22 story brick wall at the back... Hmmm... Any way - the film chugs away at a decent pace, till the inevitable climax - unfortunately this was of epic Scooby Doo-like proportions, even had a proper 'un-masking' event, but otherwise left me pretty satisfied with it. A good British thriller, no-one hugely well known in it for me aside from Russel Tovey of 'Being Human' fame (but I don't watch much non-sci-fi TV, so there could have been others!)

Language - yeah, quite colourful
Violence/Gore - fair bit of blood but not bucket loads, lots of bloody shootings, some quite graphic beating up of people
Sex - nope, well maybe a hint of something that happened last night...
Atmosphere - fairly intense at times, will have you on the edge of your seat, at other times there's a bit of claustrophobic dread going on, characters are trapped and it seems hopeless. Not really one for the kiddies.

Overall... 7.5/10


Greetings! Those who know me will already know that I watch a lot of films, mostly on DVD - I am always writing about them on Lovefilm, Amazon, Facebook, etc, so perhaps it's time to start a review blog site. I will review anything I watch but in varying degrees of depth - I can't guarantee consistency across all reviews, but I'll do my best!
