Friday 15 November 2013


Oblivion (2013)
Cert. 12

Hmmm, well... Hard not to like this film, I just wish that the 'twist' in the story wasn't the same as another good sci-fi film from a few years ago with a lower budget. I like that film a lot better than Oblivion, because it had the original idea. This one just copied it with a bigger budget, better effects and bigger (not better) actors. But that aside (and it's a big thing to try and put aside) this film ticks a lot of boxes to make it a good sci-fi blockbuster. Tom Cruise is good in it, as are all the other actors. It is a terrific-looking film and I really wish I could've seen it at the cinema just for the look of it on the big screen. I imagine many have Oblivion scenescapes as backgrounds on their PCs and laptops! The film doesn't hurry itself, it is paced just right - well, perhaps a little bit on the slow side to begin with. One thing I would say that could've been a bit clearer and was ever so slightly confusing - what was flashback and what wasn't. Didn't help that I was a little tired I suppose, but I got a little confused at one point, like I'd skipped a couple of scenes. All in all very good, but I can't forgive it for copying 'Moon' which to me is one of very few modern sci-fi classics.

Language: No naughties
Sex/Nudity: Just a little bit, mostly hinted at
Violence/Gore: No, not really - only robots fighting - incidentally the robots reminded me of larger version of the spherical flying droids from the old Gerry Anderson show 'Terrahawks', which I must try and see again some day.
Atmosphere: A bit troubling at times, the wool's been pulled over our hero's eyes and that might feel a bit disconcerting to some viewers. I suppose if you haven't seen 'Moon' then the big reveal might be a bit unsettling, but it's not frightening (well, wasn't to me)...


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